Oh, please!
Have some dignity in you :D
Asking wouldn't hurt!
How do you spell uoyevoli ;♥
Just a crush. ♥
Monday, March 30, 2009 @ 10:42 PM
t0day never went t0 sch00l c0s ie n0t feelin well..dhen just wake upp awhile,n0thinq t0 d0 jiu update yi xia n0rhhs..
haiz..dunn0e what t0 d0 also...s0 sian..dhen mye s0und n0w like r0b0t like that..hahas..s0re thr0at ):

dedicated t0 aurthur k0r k0r
k0r k0r,what ue tell miie ytd,ie dun treat it as j0kinq..ie just wanna tell ue that ie dun have M.I.A and i'am still th mel0dy ue n0e..
ie did'nt chanqe..
-pr0mise t0 q0 taman bef0re ue q0 thailand..

@ 4:10 AM

cute h0rhhs ?? nabei,first tyme saw quy s0 cute derhhs n0rhhs..
dhen ie q0 add hym in msn..bt we did'nt d0 much talkinq ):
hehes..~end here ..

@ 2:44 AM
t0dae went school sibei derhhs tired..dhen sleep at a few less0ns..dhen when ie heard th bell ranq..wah!!finally release lerhhs :D
dhen saw minq hui..dhen walk 0ut 0f th sch00l with her..dhen we chat chat..dhen we at th bus-st0p saw xia0zhu they all..dhen talk talk with them.,.dhen emily(mei)went 0ut lerhhs dhen we slack awhile at thr dhen wo jiu pei minq hui take bus q0 h0me lerhhs..bt minqhui q0in t0 find her stead(:

lastl0nq with weiha0 ya ..
w0 zhu ni men xin fu (:
dun keep quarrelinq lerhhs nahhs..
qt any thinqs sit d0wn and talk nicely (:
treasure each 0ther ya (:

@ 2:27 AM
just knew a quy name RIN0 in friendster..
ie see hym quite cute derhhs nehhs..
dhen ie add hym in msn,bt we did'nt have much talkinq...
but still h0pe t0 be friend with hym...h0pe he saw this p0st (:
but ie did'nt n0e what t0 say nehhs...
takecares..very happy t0 n0e ue (:

Thursday, March 26, 2009 @ 5:54 AM
went t0 mye ah ma hse and stay till yesterday and yesterday ard mid-niqht 12.30 mye k0r k0r came mye ah ma hse and drive miie h0me..dhen reach hme,jiu q0 bathe after that jiu be piq liao..dhen t0dae wake upp kumpua tired sial..th0uqht 0f n0t q0in sch00l t0dae..bt ie n0e ie cant,s0 b0bian q0tta wake upp..wake up at ard 6.30 dhen bathe dhen prepare till ard 6.55 dhen jiu went 0ut 0f th hse lerhhs...dhen reach school,t0day ie never wear tie but luckily escaped t0dae..hahas,teacher never saw..c0s ie am wearinq jacket..s0 henq~
dhen t0dae th class very n0isy dhen th teacher make us sit at th fl00r 0utside th classr00m,like beqqar like that .dun sit also cant..dhen after awhile teacher jiu call us q0 in aqain =.=

h0pe t0 make mre friend that ie can trust on..

@ 5:49 AM
dedicated to LLHG

w0nderinq h0w's ur life in army...b0tak liao..ie think ue also use t0 it lerhhs bahhs..
w0nderinq if ue f0und new stead lerhhs mahhs..
but m0st likely yes derhhs bahhs..
(: w0 zhu ni men xin fu...

Saturday, March 14, 2009 @ 5:12 PM
q0in prepare nw lerhhs..arb0 ltr mye k0r k0r kpkp sae what ie very lnq...
meet hym 9 at 503..
q0in prepare lerhhs...(:
*end here
cme back zai update...

@ 5:04 PM
15.03.09 (8.04 a.m)

ie still remember 150209...
t0dae are th 1 m0nth lerhhs..
bt ur r q0ne in mye life th dae 2 weeks bef0re..
pr0mise ue to chanqe bt...
ie realli dun like hym lerhhs..bt ie am also f0rgettinq ue lerhhs..
alth0uqh s0metyme ie will still thinq of ue..bt..it's useless already...
h0pe ue will realli takecare of urself...
ie w0nt be thr to pei ue chat 0n th ph0ne lerhhs..
givinq ue tissues after eatinq...
ie wish that ie c0uld huq ue th last tyme and hear ue sinq th last tyme..bt ie n0e it's all imp0ssible lerhhs..
ie am th 0ne wh0 causes all this...
realli sry to ue...h0pe ue wil enj0y ur life in army...
thanks fer treatinq miie well whn ie am with ue (:
realli w0nder if ue f0und mye replacement lerhhs mahhs...
haiz.takecares , dun drink and sm0ke too muchya..

Friday, March 13, 2009 @ 6:58 PM
back fr0m qek p0h lerhhs..nw at hme very sian..ltr dunn0e wanna qo whr (:
if n0 0nes ji0 jiu ie think stay at h0me lerhhs..
thinkinq on whr to qo on th h0lidae..and nw also very tired lerhhs..yawn ~~
bye..qd nitexs...qo sleep liao
-ends here ~

@ 5:43 PM
ie qo back school lerhhs (:
hahas..ie wanna qo sch00l be quai kia lerhhs..
onli fridae derhhs cr0ss c0untry ie never qo nia..c0s lazy run hahas..alth0uqh ie n0e cr0ss c0untry standard walk derhhs (: hahas..lazy qet upp so early in th m0rninq.
dhen friday qo out,qo taman lan (relac . 0ne . c0rner )find mye qan daddy,k0r k0r and ferlyn jie jie they all..saw them lerhhs..s0 happy (: reach thr lerhhs..sit 0utside pei ferlyn sm0ke dhen qo in slack talk talk..at niqht jiu cabb qo hme lerhhs..
ie miss them mani mani...
t0dae also dunn0e wanna qo whr..everytyme also dunn0e want qo whr ..
so sians ...everytyme qo th same place also sian n0rhhs ..wh0 qt any suqqesti0n ??

-ends here

@ 5:37 PM
wake upp at ard 4 plus a.m msq qan k0r k0r dhen talk to hym dhen after that qo c00k n00dles eat..hunqry lerhhs.. (:
dhen after eatinq , nth to do..dhen wait fer qek p0h to 0pen .wanna q0 buy thinqs...
never update mye bl0q fer quite a few day lerhhs..
busy ya (: hahahas !!after buyinq thinqs,dunn0e wanna qo whr .. who b0rinq derhhs read till mye bl0g dhen ji0 miie 0ut bahhs..see h0w first n0rhh (:
mye life are so sian ...haiz..

*end here~

Monday, March 9, 2009 @ 9:26 PM

just recieve mye friend derhhs msq sayinq that he qt detenti0n.dunn0e whr he..bt wanna hym cme lan immediately...
cant do anythinq just wanna wait fer hym and mye other friend to cme lan..at here also use c0m..so sian..bt still felt very happy that saw my k0r k0r and daddy (:

they are th same as last tyme..never chanqe..
bt ie see mye k0r k0r keep sm0kinq..ie also very w0rry..s0mem0re he is c0uqhinq..told hym nt to sm0ke so muchh lerhhs...
bad fer health !!
hehes ...

@ 9:12 PM

actually is meet mye friend 6.30 at th taman c0ffee sh0p derhhs..call them never pick upp.. ie think they nw sleepinq like piq bahhs..
hahas..ie also b0bian..dhen meet mye k0r k0r dhen qo lan (R.0.C)find mye k0r k0r and daddy..realli miss dhem al0ts..after that plae aud dhen f0rget mye k0r k0r lerhhs..0mq~~t0dae finally can see them lerhhs..so happy (:bt ie ps mye k0r k0r..dun meant it derhhs..bt realli play c0m plae till f0rget dhen recieve ur messaqe said that ue went hme lerhhs..haiz..ytd never sleep . qo hme rest well bahhs..sry ya..
dhen reach lan slack awhile outside dhen talk with mye friend dhen plae audi with her awhile dhen feel very b0rinq c0s keep l0sinq so jiu exit lerhhs..
t0dae ie never qo school.. (:
pr0mise mye br0ther will qo school derhhs..bt yet ie did'nt do it ):
just ne interested in studies..bt b0bian still q0tt0 study..dun wanna quit school bt also dun feel like studyinq..dunno h0w also..also b0bian derhhs..q0tta f0rce myself qo school..bt s0metymes qo school also quite fun derhhs (:

nth to sae lerhhs..just feel very sry tht ie ps ue and very happy to saw mye daddy and k0r k0r (:
*pr0mise to cme lan mre 0ften..
*mye st0ry ends at here (:

Sunday, March 8, 2009 @ 3:53 AM

just wake up nt lnq...after eatinq , very b0rinq jiu on c0m n0rhhs...

haiz..sianz..dunn0e ltr q0t qo out mahhs...if qt also find friends slack awhile jiu qo hme lerhhs..t0dae is sooo siannz...

need sleep early t0dae,tml need qo school..dun wanna disapp0int mye br0ther aqain lerhhs (:

ytd mye k0r k0r lie to miie ): say eat finish jiu cme back..end up never cme back th wh0le niqht...dunn0e qo whr enj0y ...hehes..

Saturday, March 7, 2009 @ 2:56 PM
m0rninq 7 a.m lerhhs..msq mye dear dear dhen call mye qan baby..he never pick upp..ie think he sleepinq bahhs..if he m0rninq never call miie derhhs hua dhen jiu suan liao lorhhs..think never meet hym lerhhs..very tired nw , yawn ~~
wait awhile mre..dun hab jiu suan liao ):
waitinq fer ur call and mye dear dear derhhs msq (:

*st0ry ends at here .. Yawn ~~ qd niqht ..

@ 1:57 PM
t0dae qo find mye friend buy ciqq dhen after that qo sh0ppinq gai gai awhile buy thinqs that ie wanna dhen cabb d0wn qo jur0ng east find my qan daddy..dhen at blk 132 c0ffee sh0p slack dhen drink 1-cup of beer dhen slack awhile dhen my qan daddy fren(hair-cut anutie)wanna qo hme lerhhs..dhen pei her till bus-st0p dhen we sit at th bus st0p talk awhile dhen mye daddy came and we talk awhile,th bus came lerhh..dhen she went up th bus and we qo raja hse d0wnstairs see th d0q..dhen ie nt feelinq well dhen ie t0ld mye daddy that ie q0 hme first..dhen ie v0mit at th bus-st0p..dunn0e why..maybe just nw drink beer drink too fast lerhhs..dhen v0mit 1 tyme..dhen awhile ltr th cab came..dhen mye daddy ask th taxi-driver to send miie hme dhen reach hme msq my daddy..dhen sleep awhile dhen awake dhen call nich0las ch0nq ch0nq peii miie chat on th ph0ne awhile dhen call mye qan baby call miie..dhen ie call mye qan k0r k0r dhen we c0nference chat awhile dhen mye qan baby jiu cape th ph0ne lerhhs..dhen c00k n00dle eat,dhen talk to mye k0r k0r awhile dhen jiu cape th ph0ne dhen eat n00dles with mye m0ther dhen very b0rinq jiu 0n c0m l0rhhs..hehes..
-pr0mise mye baby to qo taman lan (R.0.C) tml m0rninq..
bt dunn0e he will wake up mahhs (:
-nt sleepinq t0dae(:

*th st0ries end at here*

@ 1:18 AM

t0dae ard 3 plus wake up,still very tired..yawn ~~
yesterdae 5 plus q0in to m0rninq lerhhs dhen sleep..pei mye qan la0q0ng and qan baby chat on ph0ne..
t0ld mye qan baby that t0dae 7.30 ie will qo lan derhhs bt end up ie fall asleep..he neve msqq miie also..dhen jiu suan liao..3plus wake up qo wash-up dhen qo cook noodle eat and pei mye qans play audi awhile dhen ie quit liao..
haiz..t0dae so sian
ltr maybe meetinq my friend slack awhile dhen niqht maybe qo find my qan daddy slack awhile jiu qo hme lerhhs...

*st0ry ends at here..*

Friday, March 6, 2009 @ 2:00 AM
dedicated to my k0r k0r

psps arhhs..t0dae never qo school aqain..ytd say wanna qo dhen end up never qo..
ie pr0mise ue ie w0nt sae thingys that ie cant do aqain lerhhs...
sry..let ue so anqry t0dae..this m0rninq ie realli too tired and no mood to qo school lerhhs..
so ie dun wanna wake up ..

w0nt let ue anqry anym0re lerhhs...
*pr0mise (:

Thursday, March 5, 2009 @ 6:57 AM
dedicated to mye family

sry ya,ytd never qo hme.let ue all w0rry lerhhs...ie w0nt d0 that aqain lerhhs..
ie will n0tify ue all first if ie qt t0n 0utside derhhs hua..w0nt let ue all w0rry fer miie lerhhs..expecially my father .. ytd very late at niqht lerhhs..he still call miie..t0day he still qt w0rk derhhs lehhs..hais..
ie think he also dun hab en0ugh sleep n0rhhs..and my k0r k0r everytyme need sleep derhhs lehhs..everytyme because of miie he cant have a qd sleep..realli very sry to ue..
w0nt repeat mye mistakes aqain lerhhs..ie will set alarm myself and wake up myself derhhs..
w0nt interrept ue sleep anym0re lerhhs..

just n0w,ie talk to mye father and ie pr0mise hym to at least study till qt 1 N level cert..and he realli talk to miie nicely..n0w dhen ie feel that he realli very d0tes on miie..
he wanna miie to study hard and earn m0ney fer myself whn ie am 0lder...
he also t0ld miie whn everytyme he scold miie it's all fer my 0wn qd..he never send miie in qurls h0me whn ie so lng never qo school and never qo back h0me so 0ften already very qd lerhhs lorhhs..bt all must thanks to my qd k0r k0r..he r th one who help miie to talk to mye father derhhs..realli very lucky to have a br0ther like hym (:

-what is d0ne cann0t be un-d0ne..so ch0se th riqht path that ue wanna walk , dun later in th future dhen reqret..it's already too late lerhhs..
n0w ie just wanna buck up on mye study and take back a qd result gib my parent and my k0r k0r see..

@ 6:52 AM
dedicated to YOU !!

yesterday t0n at mye la0po h0use..actually is happy happy derhh..bt ie dunn0e why suddenly think of ue and ie cry..maybe ie still need tyme to f0rget ue..bt ie w0nt disturb ue lerhhs..

w0nderinq if ue find till stead lerhhs mahhs..alth0ugh ie dun wanna that to happen bt..
ie still wish ue can find a qd qurlfren that's realli treat ue qd derhhs and care fer ue ..

takecares (:

@ 6:47 AM
dedicated to my l0apo [angeline]

la0po , ie just wanna sae a big big THANKS to ue..
thanks fer lettinq miie have so much fun ytd at ur hse..and ie will remember ue pr0mise miie to tell ue thinqs that ie need and ue will try to help miie if ue can derhhs..hahas
and anythinq happen must tell miie h0rhhs..dun keep inside heart..
ie will always be by ur side derhhs..
very happy that ue had f0und a b0yfriend that realli l0ves ue..
H0pe ue 2 will last l0ng..ie am here zhu fu ni men last l0ng ..
meet up soon !! l0veya..

Wednesday, March 4, 2009 @ 1:35 AM
dedicated to my br0ther

sry k0r k0r , t0dae ie did not went school because ytd ie slept at ard 4 plus and t0dae ie am realli too tired to wake up lerhhs...
bt i'am still very happy to have a br0ther like you..
thanks yesterday fer talkinq to miie and let miie feels better (:
ie will w0rk hard in my study derhhs..as fer relati0nships things,ie will sl0wly search a new stead that ue think he is allright and realli suitable fer miie derhhs..

dedicated to quys

my expectati0n is
-w0nt quarrel with miie so often
-must have t0pic to sae everytyme whn we meet
-n0e h0w to tell j0kes
-lookinq of c0s (nt too buanq)
-cant always kao qurlfren derhhs...

ie think like that jiu can lerhhs (:

@ 1:18 AM
dedicated to : YOU !!

yesterday miie and my ex-stead break lerhhs.alth0ght s0metyme ie will still think of hym.bt ie will realli try my best to f0rget hym derhhs..
ie will erase hym fr0m my mind ..
we are over lerhhs..nth ie can do to let ue chanqe ur decisi0n bt.. ie just wanna say
thanks fer treatinq miie well whn i'am tgt with ue..and sry because ie cant be ur qd qurlfren anym0re lerhhs..
very happy that ytd ie can still hear ue sing the last tyme..
whn ue were sinqinq ytd,my heart realli h0pe that ue r sittinq beside miie..bt ie n0e that we'r over lerhhs...
ytd may be th last tyme ie call ue lerhhs..
must takecare of urself whn i'am nt ard..dun drink and sm0ke too muchya..

maybe we are realli nt suitable..ytd ie think thr0ugh everything that happen to us lerhhs..ie realli felt that we r nt suitable so ie will sl0wly search fer a quy that realli suitable fer miie and fer ue..h0pe ue will realli f0und a qurl that will realli treasure ue and will treat ue better dhen miie..h0pe ue will have fun bef0re ue qo in army...
cant qo overseas with ue the next 2 years lerhhs...and cant qo k-b0x with ue also lerhhs..
takecaresya (:

Tuesday, March 3, 2009 @ 7:08 AM
dedicated to my family ..

sry fer lettinq ue all w0rries fer so many daes..ie realised mye mistake lerhhs..

recently many thingys happened andie did nt went h0me and school fer many days ..and t0daes ie finally went to school and the teacher t0ld miie that ie did nt came school fer 1 m0nth lerhhs..i've nt realised that ie did'nt c0me school fer so l0ng..and t0dae ie reach sch00l just on tyme..standinq at the bus-bay and after that went to stand behind my class..and i'am lookinq ard and readinq my fren newspaper and suddenly,1teacher caught miie and t0ld miie what hairstyle am ie havin and she t0ld miie to qo rep0rt to mr.seh(dissapline master) and he t0ld miie to tie up my hair pr0perly..

and ie went to the nearest mirr0r and two-teacher came and t0ld miie if ie did'nt tie pr0perly they w0uld had to cut off my hair..so b0bian..bt ie still did'nt clip up my fringe (:

and mr.haris (principle) told miie that he wants talk to miie

and ie went to his office and we chat fer awhile and he gib miie a yell0w c0lour paper and ie went back to class..

and ie pr0mise the principle and mr.g0h(f0rm teacher) that
-ie will qo school everydae
-wear pr0per attire
-pr0per hairstyle &
-c0me school on tyme
t0dae tyme went very fast and soon the school release lerhhs and ie realised that there's nth bad ab0ut the sch00l...
and ie will try my best to wake up early in the m0rninq everyday and qo to school and reach school on tyme..
realli very sry and thanks to every0ne that's supp0rted miie (:
Jiay0us !!

people/person here.
xo & xo & xo

Maybe you can put a disclaimer here too.
Do not remove the credits! Remember that! :D


Presents on YOUR BDAY :D ; SCHOOL.

msn | friendster

The lovelies,
bel0ved qans
aurthur qan k0r
wenzi qan daddy
yue er qan mummy
fi0n darlinq
darrius qan baby
maurice qan baby
buih0 qan daddy
w.k.ho qan k0r
emily qan mei
catherine qan la0po
angeline qan la0po
jiayin qan la0po
lian henq qan k0r
serena qan jie
rino sweetie
vincent qan k0r
ah h0rnq qan ba0bei
jiahui qan jia j0yce qan jie


Cbox is highly-recommended :)

Fly away,

The lovely past,
Remind me of those times :

December 2008. February 2009. March 2009.

cravings list,